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Consunption Tax increase


Consumption tax will be going up on and after Oct.1,2019 by 2% . Current rate of consumption tax is 8%,so it becomes 10% .But price of grocery are maintained as current 8% tax. I understand many Japanese people are against this increace of tax because of bad infulences for our standard of life. In these 20 years, we have been facing decreasing of income. On the other hand, we understand this is necesarry increase of tax for the social welfair matter. For citizen's point of view, I think we must do this.

But for tax accountant point of view, I am against this change of Tax. This will cause us more complicated work in accounting. For 97% of company in Japan are small and medium size . I am afraid this will urge overload to their work. Are'nt there any good solution for both?




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