安井享二税理士事務 所
Kyoji YASUI ~Certified Public Tax Accountant Office(Zeirishi)~
To establish new company in Japan
Please make sure that you must obtain working visa when you establish your company in Japan.
The enforcement of the Companies Act, the capital of the Corporation became possible establishment equal to or greater than 1 yen. However, in reality , the much the total amount of the start-up capital and the working capital of about six months as the amount of capital is what you want to put.
At first,you have to prepare the followings
① creation of the Articles of Incorporation
contents: Corporate name, Objectives, Location of head office,The number of shares issued , Total number of share issue,
Fiscal year ,and so on.
② the Articles of Incorporation of authentication
After the Articles of Incorporation is made, you can go to a nearby notary office to receive the certification of the articles.
③ payment of capital
After you open an account at the bank, it will transfer the capital to that account.
④ Completion of the establishment registration (the Legal Affairs Bureau).
To apply for the registration of company establishment, you must have the following documents.
1. Registration application form
2. Founder decision
3. Payment certificate
4. Registered seal certificate
5. Seal Notification Form
6. Authenticated Articles of Incorporation
You must have official seal(registered) and the company mark in advance.
①Notification of corporation establishment
Documents to be attached: A copy of the Articles of Incorporation
A certificate of the registered matters
A list of shareholders
Balance sheet at the time of establishment
② Notification of establishment/relocation/discontinuance of an office Paying Salaries
③ Application for Approval of filing a Blue-Form Tax returns
④ Application for approval of extension of withholding Tax Payment
⑤ Notification of Inventory Asset Valuation Method
⑥ Notification of Depreciation Method for Depreciable Asset
⑦ Notification of Taxable Enterprises Status for Consumption Tax
Notary Fees : JYN 50,000
Articles of Incorporation Stanp Fee: JPN 40,000
Registration & License Tax: JPN 150,000
Total Amount of Fee: JPN 240,000